If you came across this and you get offended by what I’ve written here, you can’t hold that against me because (1) starting Oct 10 I’ve changed/omitted names and (2) this blog is 100% unpublicized. I’ve done nothing to advertise or invite people to read about me talk about things that happen to put people in a bad light (but like Taylor Swift says, you shouldn’t do bad things) because (3) this is literally a diary, only it’s online because my law-student hands are always too tired to write things down, and so I’m figuring out my life like this. Okay? Okay.
This is a real treat for me.
posted on 2010-07-13 4:28 p.m. by Vanessa
Hello Diaryland, I'm back! ((:
I've been moving so much in the past 6 years, but you will always be my first and true home. [friendster blogs and I didn't work out too well]

Well, Tumblr was fun, but it got difficult to post through my phone, so I decided to look for a new home and so here I am. Now, for the post proper.

I am depressed. My Nokia earphones are dead. The rubber thingy on the left earphone fell off and now I can't put them on or I'll get electrocuted.

Geez Van, use the right one!

No. That is not how you listen to music, okay? Music is not a background to the everyday prattling of my classmates, music is what sets my mood. And one earphone with my phone on max isn't good enough.

Prelims for me officially start tomorrow. For Wednesday, I got Filipino and Literature. For Thursday, EDP or Computer, English, and Environmental Science.

I have a blog again.
Sorry, it's just settling in! I have so much kwento kasi, and I really missed this. Tumblr is not my thing talaga. The photoblogging was fun, but it was all pure reblogs. No ideas, no rants, no soul. Just a place full of someone else's heartfelt thoughts and people going "omg i feel the same way!".

This morning during english class, our teacher wrote this sentence on the whiteboard--lol i was about to type blackboard.

Sitting by the window, I watched the rain poured hard.

I sat there, appalled at the error she has just committed. I waited, and waited for anyone to raise my point. Sadly, just like in elementary, just like in high school, I was the one who stood up to the teacher and looked like an arrogant fool. I don't care.
I learned how to speak proper english from reading the daily newspaper with my grandfather when i was in 1st grade, I have long learned never to believe in what english teachers insisted was the truth. They simply update my knowledge of things I have to understand to pass their subjects.

That is why English IV was such a treat for me in high school. I never had to watch out..well, except for the Education students who did demos in our english class, but still. All we did was read. Read read read. It wasn't English IV actually, it ought to have been Literature.

tired - 2019-08-18
- - 2019-06-20
- - 2019-06-20
041619 - 2019-04-16
LB - 2018-10-02