If you came across this and you get offended by what I’ve written here, you can’t hold that against me because (1) starting Oct 10 I’ve changed/omitted names and (2) this blog is 100% unpublicized. I’ve done nothing to advertise or invite people to read about me talk about things that happen to put people in a bad light (but like Taylor Swift says, you shouldn’t do bad things) because (3) this is literally a diary, only it’s online because my law-student hands are always too tired to write things down, and so I’m figuring out my life like this. Okay? Okay.
Fear of a name only increases fear of a thing itself
posted on 2018-03-18 11:37 p.m. by Vanessa
It feels as if life just keeps on throwing problem after problem at me, and so... as I am wont to do, I've listed them down so I would feel like I'm not drowning.

The macbook crashed a couple of weeks ago. Paid 2,500 to have it reformatted properly (I failed, twice).

To-do on my measly two days off (to be followed by working for seven straight days!)
Monday, work:
1. Get new sandals repaired 100?
2. Buy hard drive 3290
3. Dinner AB English 400

Tuesday, day off:
4. Find someone to repair the leaking washing machine PHP? - Hoping EMCOR Bajada would help. Wouldn't want a complete stranger from who-knows-where coming in the apartment.
5. Get dripping faucet fixed PHP?
6. Go to Marry to copy files, 200

Wednesday, day off:
7. But maybe I'll be dealing with the washing machine this day boohoo

My problems feel lighter already, hihi.

Good night.

tired - 2019-08-18
- - 2019-06-20
- - 2019-06-20
041619 - 2019-04-16
LB - 2018-10-02